Maryland Landscape Painting
Video of 49th Annual Show
of Recent Paintings
Acrylics: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 - Page 4
Digital Paintings (framed limited edition prints)

Painting in Kensington MD "Paint-the-Town" annual Labor Day Weekend event.
For many years I have been enjoying painting "plein air" in Potomac and the countryside of Maryland. Plein air painting has become very popular, and artists everywhere are enjoying being outside on location. We are all creating a visual history of our time and places! Over the years I have been honored to receive many first place and best-in-show awards. I have an annual open studio show in December featuring my most recent work.
All paintings are available for purchase:
E-mail: heindlart@gmail.com
"Silent Snowfall"
acrylic 14" x 18"